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Setup Over / Short Reasons

When you are counting down your drawers (reconciling) or completing a daily deposit, there are times when you will come up short or over on your expected balance. It's always best to document the reason as to why you were over or short. You can set up default reasons to chose from when this happens.

To set up Over / Short reasons, navigate to Manager Home > Config > Tax/Tender/Cash > Cash Management.

At the bottom of the screen, click on the "Over/Short Reasons" button.

A new window will appear. Click "Add New" to create a new reason.

Enter in the reason and click Save.

The new reason will be added to the list. You can add more or click "Close" to return to the cash management screen.

To edit or delete a reason from the list, click on the reason and a the option to edit or delete will appear.

Click Close when you are finished. When you are over or short when counting down a register or making a deposit, the new options will appear in the list.

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