Phone Orders - Street Databases
To view or edit a street database navigate to Manager Home > Configuration > Order Types > Street Database

The top half of the screen allows you to search for a particular street entry.
- Status: Indicates the validity of a particular address (Valid, Not Valid, or Temporary)
- Start/End: Starting and ending address ranges on a particular street.
- Street: Search by a particular street.
- City: Search by city.
- State: Search by state.
- Zip: Search by zip.
- Grid: The grid refers to the associated map area for this address range.
- Zone: Refers to the delivery zone associated with this street.
- Section: Used to indicate which store is responsible for that street.
If you have found a particular street record you want to edit, select it by clicking on it and then click on "Edit".

Make your changes and click "Save".
Tip: If you allow employees to add customers from unknown addresses, these addresses will be added to your street database as "Temporary" and you will see an alert on your Manager Home Page. You can then check the address, change the range, and mark it as "Valid".
To add a street record click the "Add" button, enter your changes and click "Save"

Tip: To exclude a particular address or range of addresses from your delivery area, follow these steps:
Example: 510 Main Street is a forbidden address.
1. Find the range that contains this address (100 - 800 Main St)
2. Edit this range to end at 509 Main St
3. Add a street entry for 510 to 510 Main St, mark it as Invalid
4. Add a street entry for 511 to 800 Main St, mark it as Valid.
Tip: Go to Configuration / Order Types / Delivery and, in the first column, check the box for "Verify Delivery Area" if you wish to enforce strict adherence to you street database valid addresses.