Setting Up Pricing - Basic, Item Based
To set up the pricing structure navigate to the category that you want to edit.
Configuration > Items > Click the + next to the department you want to edit > Click the category you want to edit > Once it's highlighted click the Edit button.
Tip: Departments are black > Categories are blue > Items are red on the menu.

Once you click the Edit button you will be taken to that edit screen for that category > Click Price on the sub-navigation menu up top.

You will be taken to the price screen for this category.
In this example we will cover Item Based pricing for "base items", those items which are not modifiers or toppings.

- Category: The name of the category that you're editing.
- Pricing Scheme: States whether this is Item Based Pricing or Topping Based Pricing.
- Pricing Scheme Dropdown: This option is used if you have Alternate Pricing in place. Leave it as default unless you are using Alternate Pricing (read more here).
- Each "Pizza Items" order counts as:
This is a pizza-related feature that lets you set the topping count for
the item, which can be important for topping based pricing, coupon
validity (if you have coupons valid only for certain topping count
pizzas), and inventory (if you use the topping-based inventory feature).
Most topping items will count as 1, but a specialty pizza may count
as more.
Below the size chart are the additional "Styles" you have set up. If you charge more for a particular style (i.e. your stuffed crust, or gluten free bread), put that upcharge in the proper cell. If a particular size/style combination is not available (you don't offer stuffed crust on a small), put a N/A in the cell. Leave the rest of the style upcharges as 0.00.

Save your changes.
You have now set up your pricing at the category level. You can override this pricing at the item level once you have set up your items in this category.
Learn more about how to set up:
Pricing for Modifiers / Toppings
Topping Based Pricing
Tip: If you're starting from scratch, the next article you will want to read is Setting Up Items.