Pricing for Modifiers/Toppings
Navigate to Configuration > Items > Pizza > Pizza Toppings > Edit

You will be taken to the category edit screen > Click Price on the sub-nav menu.

- Each X Order Counts As X Toppings: Typically, for toppings this is set to 1. If you have some toppings that are free, you may want them to count as 0, for this will be used to determine if topping requirements are met for coupons.
- Price Scheme: Applies to Alternate Pricing schemes. If you have an alternate pricing scheme set up other than default and want to use that you would select from the drop down.
- Base Price: No Toppings: Set the base price of your item. This is used in a "Build your own" situation if only toppings are ordered, the base price will also be added.
- Extra Charge Per Pizza Topping: Set the price to add for this topping.

Save your Changes.
To learn more about pricing you can read the following articles.
Alternate Pricing
Item Pricing
Setting Up Pricing - Basic, Item Pricing
Topping Based Pricing