Topping Based Pricing

In this example we will use a Calzone as a base item and set up the topping-based pricing scheme to allow you to choose your first 2 toppings as part of the base price.
Configuration > Items > Pizza > Calzone > BYO Calzone > Edit

From the edit category screen, make sure that your category is set to use Topping Based Pricing.
> Click Price on the sub-navigation menu

- Prompt For Price: A pop up will appear when the item is ordered to enter the price. Any price above $0.00 will be valid.
- Override Category Defaults: Override any pricing for this item at the category level.
Tip: All other options will be grayed out unless this is checked. - Pricing Scheme: Applies to Alternate Pricing schemes. If you have an alternate pricing scheme set up other than default and want to use that you would select from the drop down.
- Each X Order Counts As X Toppings: If left at 0 then the base item will not be counted as 1.
Example: If set to 0, the Calzone will not count as a topping and you can order 2 extra toppings at no additional cost. If set to 1 then the Calzone will count as the first topping and 1 extra topping at no additional cost.
The system will count the total number of toppings and add that row to the base price row. So, if your total topping count is 5, the 5-topping price of $3.00 is added to the base price of $5.99 for a total of $8.99.
NOTE: You should also set your topping category to be "topping based" pricing for this to work.

If you offer different sizes and crust styles you can override the default category pricing by altering the Size and Sub-Size Up Charge columns.

Save your changes.
Combining Topping and Item Based Pricing
With the flexibility available in setting up your pricing, its important to understand how pricing of base items and modifiers / toppings work together. Generally, it is easiest to use all topping-based or all item-based pricing within a department. However, in some instances mixing the pricing schemes is useful.
Pricing is primarily controlled by the "Base" item (the non-topping item)
If the base item uses item-based pricing
- adding an "item based" topping will add the topping price for that modifier
- adding a "topping based" topping will add the 1 topping line price for that modifier (unless this topping is set to be worth 2 or more toppings, in which case it will choose the corresponding price)
- adding an "item based" topping will add the topping price for that modifier
- adding a "topping based" topping will add that modifier's topping count to the item's total topping count, and will use the base item's price matrix to determine the additional price to charge based on the total # of toppings.
- The topping with the most expensive "base price" is picked to be the "base item" for the order
- If multiple toppings are the same, the first one selected is the "base item"
- The base item's pricing scheme will be used according to the rules above.
To learn more about other types of pricing you can read the articles in the Configuration - Pricing knowledge base.
Or you can move on to Setting up Inclusions for your menu.