Printer Ticket Configuration
Navigate to Configuration > Printers
You will be taken to the printer configuration screen > Click on Printer Ticket

Select Ticket Type: Select the ticket you would like to edit. If there is not one yet made you can create one by clicking on the drop down and then clicking Add New

A pop up will appear where you can add the name of the new ticket template you will be creating. When done click Add and it will take you back to the printer ticket edit screen.

You can set up this ticket to apply to all tickets or you can narrow it down and do a custom ticket for each order type by choosing an option from the Select Order Type drop down menu.

You can section your ticket off into three different areas. The Header, Body, and Footer.
Each area has the same column options.
- Field: Name of the field
- Active: Makes the field active on the ticket
- Bold: Bold the font
- Red: Prints the font in red
- Underline: Underlines the font
- Font Size: Control the font size
- Align: Places the font in either the left, center, or right side of the ticket
- Indent: Creates an indention with listed items
- Next line: Creates a line break before this field
- Space Before/After: Add a space before or after a line. Enter how many spaces
- Options: Some fields can have custom messages you can configure
The following fields are available to add to the header and footer portion of a ticket.
- Paid/Not Paid
- Ticket #
- # of Items
- Store Name
- Store Address
- Store Phone
- Customer Name
- Customer Street
- Customer City/St/Zip
- Customer Zone
- Customer Section
- Customer Map Grid
- Customer Phone
- Server
- Order Type:
- Table # / Tent #
- Section / Room
- # of People
- Order Time: Add custom name for what to label this.
- Promise Time: Add custom name for what to label this
- Reprint / Revise Time: Add custom name for what to label this
- Customer Comment: from the customer record
- Custom Message: Add custom message to your tickets
- Promo Message: Add custom promo per ticket printed, item ordered, or new customers To learn how to setup promo messages you can read the Printing Promo Messages article.
- Deferred Promise Time
- Training: Can add custom message
- Age Verification
- Points Earned - for internal loyalty only (not salesbuilder)
- Points Balance - for internal loyalty only (not salesbuilder)
- Deferred Print Time
- Deferred Notes
- Gratuity Calculator: Can add custom message
- Expiring Points - for internal loyalty only (not salesbuilder)
- Total Price: Add custom label for what to call the total price
- 2nd Custom Message: Add a 2nd custom message
- Order ID: Add a custom label for orderID (unique order identifier)
- Online Order: Add custom label for online orders
- Subtotal Name
- UPC-A Barcode: Not available to all customers
- QR Code: Can add custom QR code
The following fields are available to add to the body portion of a ticket.
- Item
Quantity: Prints the
quantity of the items ordered
o Print All: Always prints the quantity #
o Print >1: Will print the quantity if it’s more than one
o Print Individually: Items are ordered in quantity it will print on individual lines for each item
o Print Group: When items are ordered individually it will group them into 1 line on the ticket - Item Size: Options to display the full name, display name or the abbreviated name
- Item Crust/Style: Option to display the full name, display name or abbreviated name
- Item: Option to display the full name, display name or abbreviated name
- Inclusions: Option to print included items associated with the main item
- Modifiers: Option to include modified toppings/requirements. Can sort by NO inclusions first or by item sort order
- Inventory Weights (requires optional inventory module)
- Item Messages
- Item Price
- Offers
- Voided Items
- Ticket Message
- Financial Subtotals
- Grand Total
- Separate Tag Along Production Items:
For production tickets, you can send "tag along" items which are not
made at that station. Can display by item sort order or have them
separated on the bottom of the ticket.
- Dept Separator
- Dept. Count
- Subtotal Summary
- Credit Authorization
Once you have your ticket set up save your changes.
The Other Options button at the bottom of the screen takes you to another screen that displays printing options for general printing, label printing, virtual tickets, and reports. To learn more about these features please read the Other Printing Options article.