Setting Up Items
To set up your items navigate to the category that you want to edit.
Configuration > Items > Click the + next to the department you want to edit > Click the + next to the category you want to edit > Once it's highlighted click the Add button.
Tip: Departments are displayed in black > Categories are blue > Items are red on the menu.

Tip: It's a good idea to add "topping" or "modifier" type items first in any department, as you will use those to build the inclusions on your specialty items.
Once you click the Add button you will be taken to a new screen where you will enter in the item name.
(In this example we're going to add a pesto sauce to our Pizza Sauce category)

Tab out of the item name field and the display name and abbreviated name will automatically fill in. You can enter a description if desired (this will be displayed in Thr!ve online)
- Countdown Enabled: Check this box if this item comes in limited quantities, and you want to track its usage until it runs out. For instance, if you have 8 slices of cheesecake a day, you can track it using the Countdown feature.
- Activate Item: Makes this item active in the system
- Not Available Online: Will make item unavailable for online ordering
- Driver Alert: For
delivery orders, when the order is assigned to a driver, a pop up will
remind the driver about this item. Useful for items like 2-liters which
drivers may be expected to grab on the way out.
- Verify Customer Age:
If item requires an age limit (such as alcohol) you can set the age
here. The POS will prompt a pop up asking for the customer birthday
when this item is ordered.
Your changes will display in the menu on the Items screen as so.

You can organize your items by clicking on the item you want to move and use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to place them were you want.
Tip: The order the items appear here will control the order in which they print on your production tickets!

Items you create will automatically pull their price from the category level however this can be changed. To learn more about item pricing please read the Item Pricing article. Or you can move on to the Inclusions Setup article.