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Release 07_02_06_02


Deferred Order Payment Option:  A new setting has been added to deferred ordering that if checked the "sales by order type" in the store summary report will include deferred orders on the day the order was paid instead of the day it became an open order.    For example, orders paid in advance will report on the day they were paid.  Orders paid at pick up will report when picked up.   This is a Thr!ve only feature.

Deferred Orders: A new setting has been added to deferred ordering that if checked will prevent users from editing a deferred order that has already been paid. This feature is activated when you use the "Include deferred order for sales/cash report on day of order" feature outlined above.

Deferred Order Printing: 
Two options have been added regarding Deferred Order printing.  
"Reprint all deferred orders on demand" - if checked, when you search for all deferred orders on the frontend orders screen in Thr!ve, if you press "reprint", all visible orders will print.

"Print Deferred Orders At Time of Order ___ Days Out" - If checked, when you take a deferred order, if the due date is within the specified time period, it will automatically print to the kitchen at the time you take the order.

These can be setup in the Manager - Configuration - Printer Setup - Other Options.

Driver Mileage via Google:  You can now use Google to track driver mileage. This is configured in Configuration / Employee.   If you select "Mileage" as the driver fee option, you will have the option to select a Tracking Option.   "Ask Driver" will prompt driver to enter starting and ending odometer readings.  Google Maps option will calculate the total mileage for each run based on Google's estimate.  This feature is available in Thr!ve and FireFly.

Resolved Issues FireFly:

Discounts and Coupons:
  • When a customer purchased a gift card along with their order of food; it was not displaying on their receipt. 
  • When a customer purchased a gift card without an order of food; a receipt would not print.
  • There was an issue where an order could not be completed if a discount of 100% was applied to the order, in some instances. 
  • Coupons were not always displaying properly on an order after it had been recalled. This was affecting a customer's SalesBuilder balance.
  • Some discounts for $ and % were showing as invalid when clicked.

Customer Screen:
  • When a customer was selected for an order their name was not displaying in the menu screen. 

Credit Cards:
  • Credit card receipts were not printing at the time of the order in some configurations.

  • If a customer was attached to a specific zone and a flat fee was added to the order for delivery, the fee was not populating properly. 
  • When a driver has not returned from a delivery and is considered late, the profile was not turning red to indicate a late return. 

  • If a deposit was recalled; the over/short fields were not populating properly.

  • Fractional pizza orders were not displaying requirements properly on the order.

  • Reported tips were not always displaying properly on the timeclock view records. 
  • Voiding a ticket that contained a gift card could cause the store summary report to display negative ticket amounts.

  • If you canceled and exit out of the editing timeclock window for payroll, the dates would sometimes become null. This has been corrected. 

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