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Options - Paid In / Out Screen:

The Paid In / Out screen enables you to record money paid in or out of the register that is not associated with item sales.     Paid outs are recorded initially as an estimated amount, and then can be finalized with the actual amount.

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Paid Out / Paid In Toggle

Select either a paid out (money coming out of the register to pay for expenses) or a paid in (money coming into the register)

Estimated Amount

For paid outs, enter the initial amount taken out of the register.

Example:  If you send an employee to buy supplies, you might send them with $50 from the register.  This is the estimated amount.  When the employee returns, the actual amount of the purchase will be recorded and the change will be returned to the register.

Withdrawn From

For paid outs, record where the money came from.  This could be a register, the store safe, etc.


Enter a description of the transaction for reporting purposes.

Actual Amount

For paid outs, enter the final amount of the transaction.   If the final amount is immediately known, this is the same as the estimated amount.

 Example: If you send an employee to buy supplies, you might send them with $50 from the register.  This is the estimated amount.  When the employee returns, with a receipt for $36.00, record this as the actual amount.  The change due of $14 will display and should be returned to the register.


For both paid ins and paid outs, assign the transaction to an account

Assigned To

For paid outs, enter the employee who is assigned the transaction.   This is the person who is responsible for the money until the paid out is reconciled (actual amount is entered)

Change Due

For paid outs, displays the change due from the transaction (the difference between the estimated amount and the actual amount).   For cash management tracking, this change is assumed to be returned to the cash location of the paid-out.

Save & New button

Press the Save & New button to record the transaction and remain on the screen

Save & Close button

Press the Save & Close button to record the transaction and close the screen

List area

All unreconciled paid outs are listed here.  To reconcile a paid out, touch it to select it.  Then enter the actual amount.

Cancel button

Press the cancel button to exit the screen without recording changes.

Deposited to

For Paid ins, record where the money was deposited to.  This could be cash location such as a register drawer or the store safe.


For paid ins, record the amount paid.

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