Auto Update Your POS System
To see which version you are currently on navigate to Manager > Configuration > General > POS Version.

If the POS Version number is below what our Current Release notes state then you will need to update.

Update Your System:
TIp: Updates can only be performed Sunday 9pm -Thursday 6am, and only if there are no open credit card batches.
- Log
into the system with a user that has an owner security level as the
security settings prevent a manager or lower from updating software.
- Navigate
to Manager > Manager Alerts > Click on the hyperlink that states
"Last Update XXXX-XX-XX." If you have never done an update the
hyperlink will state "No previous updates found."
Tip: If the Manager Alerts tab is not on the manager home screen then you can add it by clicking on "New Content" > check the "Manager Alerts" checkbox > Save > Refresh your screen.
If you click on "Customize" you can have the system send you an alert when there are updates. You can either have it display on the clock-in screen or send an email or both. You can set the frequency of the alerts to every time you clock-in, when there is a data change, or at the end of every day. To read more on customizing content on the manager page click here. - When you click on the update hyperlink a window will popup asking if you would like to check for new updates. Click "Yes"
- Once the system is done looking for an update, the manager home
page will update and the manager alerts tab will now say " Auto Update
Is Available."
- Click on the hyperlink "Auto Update Is Available." A popup
will ask you if you want to update to the newest version and give an
estimate of how long it will take to update.
- Once the update is complete; reboot each station by
navigating to Manager Home > Exit > You will be taken to the
desktop > Click on System at the top of the screen > Shut Down
> Restart. The station will reboot and the install will be complete.