Void An Item On An Order Paid With Credit

Locate the ticket you wish to perform a void/refund on by doing a search.

You can click on the ticket # and it will load the ticket in the menu screen. Once the ticket is loaded in the menu screen, select the item you wish to void so that it will highlight > Click "Void"
Tip: Voiding is a secure function. If the cashier does not have the proper security to void, a manager override is required.

A window will appear asking if the item was already made or unmade. Select which option applies to this order.

Select the reason as to why you're voiding. This is for inventory reasons. Once you have given a reason click "Submit."

The ticket will update with the new total and a line through the voided item. The ticket will also indicate how much was refunded. Click on "Finish."

The tender screen will appear showing how much should be refunded. Select the tender type that was paid (In this case credit) and click on "Pay."

An alert will advise you how much will be credited to their card.

Once you click "OK" the screen will refresh and go back to the order screen where the ticket will reflect the new total.