Counter Service
Select the menu tab you wish to use
Select an item by pressing the button.
Select a size & style, if applicable, by pressing the appropriate size & style buttons
Modify the item, if desired, by selecting additional toppings or un-selecting included toppings
Use the Next button to complete that item
Continue to order any additional items from that or other menu
a coupon or discount by using a coupon button on the menu, or the
"Discount" button.
Press the Finish button when you are done ordering items
Select the order type.
Enter the appropriate customer identification, such as customer name, table #, or tent #.
If tendering the order now, enter the amount tendered, and select the tender type, and press Pay.
OR: If using integrated credit, swipe the credit card upon entering the Tender screen.
Press Pay Later to send the items to the kitchen and leave the ticket open.