Sending messages to employees via FireFly makes communication much easier.
Tip: Sending emails is a permission in Manager > Employees > Security. If you do not have access to send emails have your permissions checked.To send an email click on the Options button and then on the Email button.
A window will appear displaying all the emails you have received. To send an email click on the "New" button
A new window will appear.
Confirm Receipt: Clicking this checkbox makes the email required. This means an employee will receive the message upon logging in and will not be able to fully login until they have clicked on the "Confirm" button to send acknowledgement that they have received and read it
Once they click the "Confirm" button you will receive an email confirmation.
Expire: Clicking this box and adding a date will force the email to automatically delete itself when that date has been reached.
To: You can send a message to everyone in the system's directory, everyone in a specific job type, or to one or X specific recipients in the system.
Tip: If you add a recipient be mistake you can remove them by clicking on their name.
Subject: Enter the subject of the email.
Message: Enter the message.
When you are satisfied with your email click the "Send" button. The employee(s) will receive the email the next time they clock in.