Employee Requirements
To do this navigate to Manager Home > Employees > Select the employee you wish to add a requirement to.

Navigate to Job/Payroll

On the right side of the screen you will see a list of job requirements that you previously setup.

Enter the information for the job requirements that are required for this employee based on their job type (A red * indicates required items). For example this employee is a driver; so you would enter in their license expiration date, their registration expiration date, and their insurance expiration date.

If an employee's requirements are expired; they will not be able to clock in and work their shift until their requirements have been updated.
To prevent a delay in an employee's shift, you can setup alerts on the manager page to alert you when an employee's requirements are close to expiration.

You can view all of your employee's requirement expiration dates at the same time by navigating to the Active Employee List report under Labor.

You can learn more about customizing your Active Employee List report here.