
- Select if this is a "End of Day" or "Mid-Day" Deposit.
- Select the time of deposit
- Select the day of the deposit (If you are doing a deposit in the morning for yesterday's sales, put in yesterday's date).

On the left side of the screen the system will display the suggested deposit amounts.

On the right side of the screen enter in the amount of the actual deposit.
Note: If you are using integrated credit card processing, the actual credit card amounts will default from your credit card batch, according to the setting in Configuration / Tax Tender Cash / Cash Management "Use Current Credit Card Batch Data in Deposit"

The system will tell you if you are over or short on the expected amount and ask for a reason.Select a reason and click "Save and Close"

Click "Save" when you have entered in your deposit amount. You will be provided with a report of your deposit that you can print if you need to.

You have now completed your End of Day deposit. You can view the End of Day Checklist to see if there are any other tasks you need to complete.