Customer Overview
To get to the customer main screen, navigate to Manager Home > Customers.
You can immediately narrow your search by selecting the "Customer Type" you want to search for. There are 3 different customer types. Home, Business, and Lodging.
You can then narrow your search even further by entering in a customer's information. You can search for any personal information, as well as their loyalty customer number.
Any results yielded will be displayed below.
At the bottom of the screen you have several options.
- New Search: Will clear out the previous search and allow you to perform a new one.
- Add New Cust: Allows you to add a new customer profile.
- Cust Details: If a customer is selected in the results screen, clicking this button takes you to their profile.
- Delete: If a customer is selected in the results screen, clicking this button will initiate deleting the customer profile.
- Output List: Activates the Output list screen, which enables you to output the displayed customers as mailing labels, a report, a file, etc.
- Save Criteria: Activates the Save Criteria screen, which enables you to save whatever search criteria you have currently activated. This enables you to quickly access the same criteria in the future.
- Load Criteria: Activates the Load Criteria screen, which enables you to load previously saved criteria and run a new search.
- Merge: If you have duplicate customer profiles you have the ability to merge the two by clicking the "Merge" button.
- Advanced Search: Activates the Advanced Search screen which enables you to activate multiple advanced criteria to search through your customer database.
- Apply Offer: Allows you to select a customer and apply an offer such as promo, discount, or coupon without having to open the customer's profile.