Requirement Expiration Alerts
Part 1: Activating Alerts
First you need to make sure the requirements that you want alerts on is activated. To do this navigate to Manager Home > Config > Employees > Employee Configuration.

Select the job type you want to activate alerts on.

Select the job requirement.

Check the Active box and set how many days in advance you want a warning before the requirement expires on an employee profile.

Save your changes.
Part 2: Setting The Manager Alert
Now that you have your requirements set to alert you when they're close to expiring, the next step is to make sure you get those notifications. To do this navigate to the manager home screen.

Click on the New Content button.

Click on the Customize button next to Manager Alerts.

- Select the "Display" checkbox to have the manager alerts display on the manager home screen.
- Select the "Email" checkbox to have emails sent to you when an employee's requirements are close to expiring.
- Select when you want to see these alerts. Only when you are working, or all the time.
- Select how often you want to be notified. Only when data changes, every hour, or at the end of the day. Since this is something that happens daily, end of day is probably sufficient.

Once you have made your selections, click the close button. On the home screen under manager alerts, you will see if an employee is nearing expiration.

When you click on the alert you will see a list of employees. You can click on their name and you will be taken directly to their employee profile so you can update their requirement.