Store Summary - Understanding Cash Management
The Store Summary report gives you a good overview of your store's performance, including important cash management information. In this article, we'll explain how the sales & cash management data works in this report.
In this example of a store summary report we took 8 orders, Below this report there is an explanation of each line.
- Order Total – This is the total of orders, before discounts and not including tax.
- Less Special Offers – This is the amount of
discounts/comps/coupons/promos that were applied
- Plus Other – Misc Charges (done on the options screen) or any tender surcharges
- Delivery Fees – The delivery fees you collected from customers. Although you may pay these out to your drivers, they are counted as part of sales. We'll deduct the amount paid below as an expense.
- Total Sales – Your order total, minus discounts, PLUS delivery fees.
- Plus Tax - Sales tax received
- Gift C. Sold – Gift Certificates or Cards sold. These are not included in your sales figures, as they are really liabilities for your business.
- Tips Retained – If you hold tips and pay them on an employees check, or if you have mistakenly closed a register with tips and not selected "Pay Tips", this will have a value. If you pay out all the tips every night this should be $0
- Gross Receipts – This is the total of all ticket receipts, total of what the customers paid you.
- Open Tickets – This shows the $ amount for tickets that are counted in your sales # but not yet paid for, this should be $0 if your day is closed out. If there are open tickets; it will display in red.
- Gross Received – This should match the Gross Receipts as long as there is no open tickets.

- Net Order
Total – This is the Order Total minus the Discounts, NOT including tax
- Plus
Sales Tax – Sales tax collected
- Total – Net order total plus tax.
- Plus Delivery Fees – Delivery fees collected
from customers
- Less Driver Fees – Amount of fees paid to
- Plus Paid Ins – Amount of any paid ins
- Less Paid Outs – Amount of any paid outs
- Tips Retained - Amount of any tips retained
- Plus Gift C Sold – Amount of gift certificates
or cards sold
- Total Expected – Net order total plus tax, plus delivery fees, minus driver fees paid, plus paid ins, minus paid outs, plus gift c. sold. This is what your deposit should be unless you had an overage or shortage on a register/driver/server close.

- Beginning Balance - The
amount of money you
start off with in your Cash Drawers/Main Safe This number can vary or
look off if there has not been a deposit performed frequently.
- Plus Total Tendered – Amount of moneys that you collected broken down by tender type below
- Less Refunds – Any refunds given, money
taken in but returned to customer
- Less Tips Paid – Tips paid out to all
employees including drivers/servers
- Plus Paid In - Amount of any paid ins
- Less Paid Outs – Amount of any paid outs
- Less Fees Paid – Driver Fees paid to
- Net Over/Short – If a driver, server or register close is short and presses the over/short button to record, this will be accounted here.
- Less Deposit Made – The amount deposited to the bank, below shows each tender amount
- Ending Balance – Should equal starting balance if drawers are starting with the same amount the next day.
When looking at the Expected vs Actual section, you will see that the actual is all $0. These numbers will not display until you have completed a deposit.

Complete the deposit.

What if Expected vs. Actual Don't Match?
The most common reason expected does not match actual is if deposits are not made on a daily basis. The expected is showing you all the tendered amount for that day. The actual is the deposit you made on that day. If you did not do a deposit on a particular day, your next day's actual deposit will be double, but the expected will not. We recommend doing a deposit daily. If your practice is to do the deposit in the morning, be sure to change the date on the deposit screen so it reflects on the correct day. Check your deposit report to determine if deposits have been made regularly.
Another issue could occur if a deposit is made, but then another order is rung up or closed after the deposit. Check the time of the deposit vs. the time of the last ticket on the Ticket Details report.
If your "Expected" and "Actual" total is less than you would expect based on sales totals, it's possible that some tickets are still open. Check the top of your report for a warning about open tickets. All tickets should be closed or voided at the end of the day.
For a more detailed look at the way cash and other tenders have been managed in your location, check the Registers report (Cash > Registers). This will break down by register each tender type, with hyperlinks to see specific tickets or events.