Tender Configuration
To manage your tender types, navigate to Manager Home > Config > Tax/Tender/Cash > Tender.

The top portion displays each tender type that is normally accepted in an establishment. To allow a specific tender type to be accepted in your store; click the checkbox under each tender type on the "Valid" line.

The 2 blank user defined tender types allow you to create tender types in addition to the standard tenders already listed. These could be used for house comp cards, Groupon, etc.

The 2nd portion of the screen allows you to set guidelines for these tender types.

- Minimum
Amount: Enables you to set a minimum dollar amount that must be
tendered in order to use that tender type.Example: If you don't want to run Visa
transactions for less than $10.00, enter 10 in the minimum amount field
for Visa.
If you leave the field blank, or enter 0.00, the minimum amount restriction will not apply. - Maximum
Amount: Enables you to set a maximum dollar amount that can be
tendered with that tender type. Example: If you don't want to take checks for
greater than $20.00, enter 20 in the maximum amount field for Checks.
If you leave the field blank, the maximum amount restriction will not apply. - % Fee: The % Fee
field enables you to charge a surcharge for use of that tender type. The fee will
be calculated as a % of the total order. This will display on the ticket as a
surcharge and will add to the total due.
Example: If you want to charge a 10% fee to customers using checks in order to cover your NSF costs, enter 10 in the % fee for checks.
If you leave the field blank, no fee will apply. If both the % Fee and $ Fee have values, the fees will be added together. - $ Fee: The $ Fee
field enables you to charge a surcharge for use of that tender type. The fee will
be calculated as a straight dollar amount. This will display on the ticket as a
surcharge and will add to the total due.
Example: If you want to charge a $2.00 fee to customers using checks in order to cover your NSF costs, enter 2 in the $ fee for checks.
If you leave the field blank, no fee will apply. If both the % Fee and $ Fee have values, the fees will be added together. - Tax Fee: The Tax Fee field enables you to control whether or not the surcharges specified in the % Fee and/or $ Fee fields will be taxed.
- Maximum Change: Enables you to restrict the amount of change that can be given for any tender type. If you leave the field blank, no restriction will apply. Credit cards should all have their max change set to 0.00
- Round To: Allows you to round transactions to the nearest .05, .10, etc to eliminate small change. Sales reporting will still reflect the actual totals, the rounded amount will be reported separately. Check with your accountant on the tax implications of rounding transactions.
- Require Lookup: The Require Lookup field enables you to require that in order to use a certain tender type, the order must be associated with a customer in your database. This is useful for checks.
- Open Drawer: If checked, the cash drawer associated with the station will pop open when orders are tendered. If not checked, the drawer will not pop.
- Available Online: If checked, allows this tender type to be accepted with online ordering (Thr!ve Online only).

- Disable Tips: If checked, all tip functionality will be disabled in the system.
- Turn Off Default Tender Type Of Cash: Checking this box will turn off the "default" choice of cash on the tender screen, requiring you to select a tender type.
- Require Gift Certificate # For Redemption: For manual Gift Certificates, this will prompt a box to enter the gift certificate number when this tender type is used This field does not apply if you are using "electronic gift cards" integrated through your credit card processor.
Be sure to save your changes when you are finished with this screen.