How To Pair Your Dejavoo Device For Mercury

You can pair your device by navigating to Manager Home > Config > Tax/Tender/Cash > Credit.
Make sure you have the "Active Integrated Credit Card Processing" box checked, and Mercury Pay selected as your processor.

Enter in the Card Present and Not Present Merchant ID's. You can find this on your setup sheet.

Enter the URL and the password that is provided by Mercury on your setup sheet.

Make sure the "Use Mercury EMV" box is checked.

Save your changes.
Once you have completed this part of the setup, you will need to navigate to Manager Home > General > Station Device.

You will need to setup each individual station. Start by selecting the first station from the dropdown.

On the bottom right side of the screen, check the box next to "Activate Mercury EMV Device" to activate it on this station, then click "Pair Device".

A window will appear; asking you to to fill out the contact information for your store. Some of the lines may be populated as it will pull from the database.

Once you have entered in the information, click "Submit".
Note: You will only have to enter this once even though you may be pairing several stations.
You will be asked to enter in the serial number of the device you're trying to pair. This will be found on the bottom of your device. (As shown in the first picture).

Once you have entered your serial number, click "Next". The device will attempt to pair and run a test transaction to the device.

If it is able to pair it will ask you if you see that a transaction for $0.01 shows on the terminal.

If your device shows this transaction click "Yes"

Your device will now be paired with the station.

It is imperative that you click SAVE on the screen before you move on to pairing your next station. If you do not save after pairing each device you will have to start over.

Repeat these steps for each station device you wish to pair with your Dejavoo credit card processors.