Timeclock and Payroll Overview
To configure the Timeclock & Payroll screen, navigate to Manager Home > Config > Employees > Timeclock & Payroll.

We'll review this screen section by section.

- Disable Timeclock Features: Allows you to disable the timeclock, this is typically done if you are using a different timeclock system. Employees will still "Clock in" to indicate a job type they are working but timeclock records will not be kept.
- Required Reason When Editing Time Record: If checked, you will be required to enter a detailed message as to why you are editing an employee's timeclock record.

- Overtime Pay When 8 Hours Exceeded Per Day: Check this box if your state requires that you pay overtime to your employees after 8 hours have been worked in one day.
- 40 Hours Exceed Per Week: Check this box if your state requires that you pay overtime to your employees after 40 hours have been worked in a worked week.
- California Overtime: Check this box if your business is located in California and subject to special overtime rules for greater than 12 hours per day or 7 consecutive work week days.
- Minimum wage: Enter your state's minimum wage which will be used to calculate any shortfall on tip credit employees.

- Alert Me Of Approaching Overtime Within X Mins Per Day: You can set alerts to notify you within X amount of time when an employee is approaching overtime in a work day.
- Or X Mins Per Week: Or you can have it notify you when the employee is approaching overtime within the week or you can be notified of both.

- Labor Performance Calculation:
Labor %: Will show charts and graphs depicting the dollar amount of labor cost vs dollar amount of sales.
Labor Productivity: Will display the number of hours worked vs the total amount of sales.

- Enable Auto Log Out: After X amount of time you can have the employee automatically logged out of the system, this however does not clock them out.
- Auto Clock Off At: If the employee forgets to clockout a the end of their shift, they will be clockout after X hours. If this happens, their time record will reflect 0 hours worked and will need to be edited.

- Clock Out For Breaks: If checked, the employee will be required to clock out for breaks.
- Default Break Length: Set how long a break should last, they will not be able to clock in until that time has expired.
- Paid Breaks: Check if you want the employee to be paid for their breaks.
- Dock For Long Breaks: Check if you want to dock an employees pay after they have exceeded their break time.

- Clock Out For Lunch: If checked, the employee will be required to clock out for lunch.
- Default Lunch Length: Set how long a lunch should last, they will not be able to clock in until that time has expired.
- Paid Lunch: Check if you want the employee to be paid for their lunches.
- Dock For Long Lunches: Check if you want to dock an employees pay after they have exceeded their lunch time.

- Additional Employer Labor Cost: This adds an additional % cost to labor cost calculations on the Labor Sales report, Store Summary and Manager Home, so that you can get a true picture of labor costs including benefits and taxes. It does not affect the payroll report. It does affect labor schedule budgets.

- Distribute Salaries For Labor % Calculation: Displays the weekly total of all employees that are considered salary employees. Salaries are set up on Manager > Employees.
- Override Calculated Salary: Clicking this will allow you to override the calculations box and enter in a different amount.
- Customize: This feature allows you to decide how the calculations total is distributed from day to day. You can restore to default and let the system decide or you can customize it. If you change the number of one day, the other days will automatically adjust to account for the end total. This allows you to more heavily weight salaried employees on busy days.