Server Ticket Report
To view the Server Ticket Report, navigate to Manager > Reports > Operations > Server Ticket Report.
Select the start and end dates you wish to view and click Generate.
The results will display below.

The report will be divided by each server that has actual data to report for the time frame that was ran.
The details for each server will be the following:
- The ticket number
- The order type of the order
- If the order type was Table, the table the customer sat at
- The total amount of the ticket
- Total amount of the tip reported on that ticket
- If the order type was Table, the total number of people at the table
- The average amount per person
- The tender type used to pay for the ticket
- Total number of tickets for that server
- The average price of a ticket
- The total $ amount of all the tickets together
- The total amount of tips reported
- The total amount of people served at tables
- and the total average per person

A window will popup showing you the date and times that the server has performed a server close on their shift. You can click on any of these lines to see a detailed server close shift report and print it.
You can also print and/or export the report to Excel if you need to.