Cash Management Configuration
To configure Cash Management, navigate to Manager Home > Config > Tax/Tender/Cash > Cash Management.

Top Portion of the Screen:

- Activate Detailed Cash Management: If checked, the functions related to drawer-specific cash management, such as closing, reconciling, drop, and transfer will be active.
If unchecked, you do not have to reconcile each individual drawers. Just report your nightly deposit and this amount will be compared to your sales totals on your reports. - Use Current Credit Batch Data In Deposit: If checked, this option will auto-fill the current batch totals for credit cards in your nightly deposit.
- Cash Count Worksheet: Allows you to bring up a worksheet that will assist in entering each tender amount you have for each drawer. Leave it on Format 1 if you are in the United States.
- Display Expected Tenders: If "Display" is selected, the expected totals of each tender type will appear on the left hand side of the screen for driver close, when reconciling your drawer and completing a deposit.
o "Display After Entry" is selected, the excepted totals will appear after you have made your actual amount entries.
o "Hide" is selected, it will not display any expected totals.

- Cash Drawer Name: The Cash Drawer Name field displays a list of cash drawers that have been configured on the system. Select a drawer to set up its cash management properties.
Note: To add a new cash drawer, it must first be set up in the Config > Station Device area. - Default Starting Balance: The Default Starting Balance is the dollar amount that you wish to start within each cash drawer. This amount will be assumed to be left in the drawer when preparing register close reports
- Current Balance: The Current Balance is a read only field which displays the system-calculated current balance of the drawer.
- Maximum Desired Balance: The Maximum Desired Balance is the dollar amount that will trigger an alert to transfer money from the cash drawer
- Close Balance: The Close Balance is a read only field that displays the balance of the drawer at last close, before a cash drawer reconciliation has occurred.
- Money Transfers In From: This field allows you to specify where the starting balance is transferred from, for accurate cash management reporting throughout the store.
- Close Out To: This field
allows you to specify where cash from the drawer is transferred to when a
drawer close occurs, for accurate cash management reporting throughout the
- Assigned To: This is a
read only field which displays who is currently assigned to the drawer, if
Note: To assign a drawer, go to the Cash Mgmt area from the Manager's home page. - Tip Procedure: Specifies how tips entered on register transactions
will be handled.
o If no option is selected, the employee will be prompted at register close.
o "Pay Tips" will remove the tips from the drawer total and include them on the "Tips Paid" report lines.
o "Pay Tips to Server" will remove tips from the drawer total, include them on the "Tips Paid" report lines and on the server performance (for the employee who rang in the order) A report will print out the tip distribution.
o "Retain tips" will include tips in the drawer total and include them on the "Tips Retained" report lines.

- Location Name: The Other
Cash Locations section allows you to establish other areas of
accountability that are not cash drawers and are not the main safe. This might be
a manager's bank, a driver's bank, etc.
You can add a new location by selecting "Add New" in the dropdown list > Enter in the new name > Save. - Beginning Daily Balance: The Beginning Daily Balance field enables you to set a default starting balance for the cash location.
- Current Balance: Current Balance is a read only field that displays the system-calculated current balance of the field.
- Money Transfers In/Out From: This field allows you to specify where the starting balance is transferred from, for accurate cash management reporting throughout the store.

- Store Safe Name: The Store Safe Name enables you to set a name for the main safe location. This is used to account for cash transfers and for end-of-day reconciliations.
- Beginning Daily Balance: The beginning
daily balance of the store safe should be the amount you plan to leave in
the safe each night. This amount will be factored into
calculations for the end-of-day bank deposit.
Note: Changing the beginning balance will add that amount to the current safe balance calculation
- Current Balance: The Current Balance is a read-only field that displays the system calculated balance of the store safe.
- Bank Account Name: The bank account name is for reporting purposes only to enable you to track deposits made.

- Driver Bank Comes From: This field allows you to specify where money assigned to drivers through the Assign Cash process comes from.
- Driver Drops To: This field allows you to specify where the driver drop will transfer to. If nothing is specified, it is assumed the driver uses a personal drop box and retains responsibility for the money until the end of the shift
- Driver Close Transfers To: This field allows you to specify where the money transfers to during the driver close process.
- Server Bank Comes From: This field allows you to specify where money assigned to servers through the Assign Cash process comes from.
- Server Close Transfers To: This field allows you to specify where the money transfers to during the server close process.
- Over/Short Reasons: Allows user to enter over/short reasons. If reasons are entered, users will be required to select a reason when recording an over/short in the cash register reconcile or bank deposit. To learn more about creating over and short reasons click here.